New Student Registration

  • Welcome to the Mound Westonka High School New Student Registration Information Page!

    How to Enroll:

    For your convenience, future Westonka Public Schools families may register their students using our Online Enrollment Portal.

    Please submit your application, including the mandatory enrollment documents, to avoid a delay in processing. You can attach documents during the online enrollment process.

    Enroll Online

    Visit the Registration and Course Information page to view required and elective course information for your grade.

    Call (952) 491-8115 or email to make an appointment with a school counselor to register and sign up for classes. Appointments will be made between 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and are approximately one hour long.

    The K-12 Registration Form and the Application for Educational Benefits are available via the Quick Links, or you can pick them up in the high school office during scheduled hours.

    Open Enrollment

    Minnesota law covers enrollment of students who are Minnesota residents and wish to enroll in a regular public school district other than their own. This is called Statewide Enrollment Options, or open enrollment. All open enrollment requests are completed using a standard Statewide Enrollment options form signed by the parent or legal guardian. This signed form should be submitted to the nonresident district of choice.  

    Foster parents may also sign open enrollment forms if the foster parents want the foster child to attend a school district other than where the foster parent or parent/legal guardian of the foster child resides. 

    Visit the Open Enrollment page on the district website to access the Statewide Enrollment Options Form.