STEM Engineering and Technology

Regatta 2020

Program Information

  • The STEM Engineering and Technology Program at Mound Westonka High School is designed to provide our students the skills and experiences to develop 21 st century competencies that will assist them with becoming technologically literate citizens and provide them a solid preparation for future educational and career opportunities.

    Through the STEM Engineering and Technology courses, students will be using cutting-edge software and devices used in 21 st century companies that involve 3D and laser printers, CAD software and CNC equipment. A number of the courses offer opportunities for college credit and all classes provide students real-world applications in the field of engineering and technology



PLTW Engineering College Credit

  • A number of Minnesota college and universities offer college credit for students that earn a certain grade in their Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering course and pass the end-of-year final test. Each college and university has its own process and criteria to grant college credit.

    Typically, college credit is offered for the following PLTW Engineering courses:

    • Principles of Engineering (POE)
    • Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
    • Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

    Note: Engineering Design and Development (EDD) does not qualify for college credit

    If you are interested in pursuing college credit, please see the information below to find out more information about the criteria and application process for the specific college or university.

    PLTW (Project Lead the Way) College Opportunities for Students

    Visit to learn about different opportunities for enrolling high school students at colleges and universities across the nation - scholarships, reduced tuition, college credit and summer programs.

MWHS Fab Lab logo
  • 2025-2026 STEM Courses Offered

    • Introduction to Construction Trades
    • Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Introduction to Engineering Design
    • Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Computer Integrated Manufacturing
    • Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Principles of Engineering with Physics
    • Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Engineering Design and Development
    • STEM and Technology Engineering
    • Wood Technology I