WIN Time

  • What is WIN Time?

    WIN (What I Need) time provides time during the school day when all staff and all students are available to connect and collaborate.

    WIN is an 90 minute period, running in two sessions from 1:30 - 2:10pm (WIN 1) and 2:15 - 3:00pm (WIN 2) every Thursday

    It is directly connected to our Grading for Learning Framework and will support the goals of this approach to grading. WIN will create time for systematic, timely and targeted interventions for students in all grades.  

    WIN time is required for students in grades 8-12. 

    What Options Are Available During WIN?

    • Teachers provide offerings focused on relearning, retakes and missing formative and summative assessments.
    • Teacher rooms are available for subject-specific study.
    • Flex spaces are available for students that have not been selected for a teacher offering and have demonstrated previous proper behavior in flex spaces

    How Does My Student Know Where to Go?

    • On Wednesday mornings, teacher offerings will be available and students can begin signing up for their WIN sessions for the next day.
    • By the beginning of the day on Wednesday, teachers will select students to assign and an email alert will be sent to students and families if assigned for WIN. Students: be sure to note which WIN session(s) you have been assigned to. Also, students will receive a reminder email to select their WIN offerings Thursday morning if they are assigned and have not self-selected.
    • Each week, families are encouraged to discuss academic needs with students and guide them to make a selection that is best for their learning.