Registration & Course Information

  • 2025-26 Registration and Scheduling Information

    How to Navigate the Registration Website - video

    The MWHS School Counseling Department, in conjunction with MWHS teachers and administrators, encourages students to take the following steps prior to selecting classes: 

    1. Carefully review the course description for each class 
    2. Review high school graduation requirements 
    3. Research college admissions requirements 
    4. Take note of prerequisites and grade level restrictions 
    5. Consider skills and knowledge hoped to develop 
    6. Talk with teachers, counselors, parents and older students to learn more about classes/options. 
    7. Take note of registration process and deadlines … be prepared! 

    Being that student registration directly influences the master schedule and class sizes, students are expected to fulfill their requests. Please carefully review all of the registration information and make thoughtful decisions so that the master schedule design can best reflect student needs.

    The registration window is open January 24th-January 31st.  All students must request courses for next year through their Skyward Student Access Account.  Please view the video link below for specific instructions:

    How to Register for 2025-26 Courses

Registration Information by Grade