- Westonka Public Schools
- Art Education
Art in Westonka
Art education in Westonka Public Schools is a core discipline, essential to the growth and development of all students.
Westonka’s art instruction is based on the National Core Arts Standards, the Eight Studio Habits of Mind and the Minnesota Academic Standards in the Arts. The sequential art curriculum for grades K-12 focuses on four domains:
- Create
- Present
- Respond
- Connect
The curriculum is designed to develop content knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Recognition of the role and importance of art and artists in society, culture and history
- Critical assessment of artworks from aesthetic and cultural perspectives
- Creative problem solving
- Technical processes
- Personal expression through art production
Art education in the 21st century
Through 21st century learning, the Westonka Public Schools is committed to offering high quality programs that maximize every student’s abilities and interests. Westonka has a rich history and tradition of excellent K-12 art education. At each level, emphasis is placed on critical thinking in the analysis of art making, in discussion and appreciation of art history and contemporary work and in critique.
Art classes allow students to personalize their learning experience through projects that utilize traditional materials as well as 21st century technologies to innovate, communicate and synthesize their ideas. Students are also asked to take risks with their work through medium exploration and concept development.
Mark Femrite
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
(952) 491-8002Mound Westonka High School
Erica Boyles
(952) 491-8177
Jana Paré
(952) 491-8178Grandview Middle School
Hannah Loucks
(952) 491-8330Shirley Hills Primary School
Alyssa Bodine
(952) 491-8421Hilltop Primary School
Klair Hans
(952) 491-8550