- Community Education
- Adult Basic Education
Adult Basic Education
Westonka Community Education and Services is a member of the WEST Adult Basic Education (ABE) consortium. ABE and English Language Learner (ELL) classes are ongoing. Our classes are held in the Western Communities Action Network (WeCAN) building.
GED Preparation
General Education Development (GED) is a self-paced program designed to help you study and prepare to take the GED test. All classes are free. GED is available for adults ages 17 years and older. The GED credential increases opportunities for employment, job advancement and further education. Classes are held on Mondays, 5:00 - 7:00 pm with Ms. Lori Knauf.
Academic Skills
Get an edge on employment, a promotion or be better prepared for post-secondary education by improving your reading, math or writing skills. Classes are held on Mondays, 5:00 - 7:00 pm with Ms. Lori Knauf.
English Language Learners
Improve your English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. You may join at any time during the year. We offer multi-levels in a small, friendly, group environment. If you are interested in these classes, we can line you up with a virtual teacher. Currently, we are looking to hire a teacher for the Westonka community.
Volunteer to Tutor Adults
Each year, around 2,000 adults walk into an adult basic education class in our area looking for help to learn English, gain basic literacy, math or computer skills that will enable them to succeed. When adults achieve their educational goals, their families and communities grow stronger. Many of those learners would benefit from supplemental help from a tutor.
Help build strong families and communities by becoming an adult literacy volunteer. Our West ABE Consortium teachers often manage multi-level classrooms and need your help with small groups, individual students or to "float" and help answer questions as students work individually. Twelve hours of training at the Minnesota Literacy Council (MLC) prepares you for placement with learners.
For upcoming trainings or more information, visit the West ABE website www.westabe.org or call (612) 978-6468.

Located in the WeCAN Building
5213 Shoreline Drive
Mound, MN 55364