Question 1: Capital Projects Levy Renewal

  • Renewal of the district's capital projects levy will maintain a strong technology system and provide continued access to up-to-date print and digital curriculum without a new tax increase.

    computer and book icon on red background

    Maintaining excellence in technology and digital learning benefits every student. 

    Westonka’s existing capital projects levy, which has funded technology and digital curriculum since 2014, will expire next year. Renewing this levy at its current level (“authority”) for another 10 years will maintain the strong technology system and digital learning program which, for the past decade, has prepared Westonka students to use technology to apply their learning in the K-12 classroom, in college and in their careers. 

    The capital projects levy funds technology that supports student learning and effective school operations.

    The renewed capital projects levy will be used for:

    • Technical staff support
    • Device replacement (students and staff)
    • Technology to enhance safety and security
    • Digital and print curriculum
    • Technology infrastructure and network improvements
    • Classroom and building technology
    • Testing

Tax Impact

  • Renewing this levy at its current level will preserve its benefit to students without creating a new tax. 

    table that shows a no-increase renewal for the capital projects levyVoters will be asked to renew an existing capital projects levy that will expire in December 2024. The district’s tax authority will remain the same as originally approved in 2014, so renewing the capital projects levy will not result in a new tax increase. A no-increase renewal means the cost for a $400,000 home under the renewed levy will be the same as a $400,000 home under the current (expiring) levy.

    View the full tax impact chart (PDF) from Ehlers. To view this information in an ADA accessible format, please email Becca Neuger

    Tax Calculator

    Wondering what your tax impact will be? Enter your property's estimated market value for a more detailed view. 

    use the tax calculator 

If Question 1 Passes

  • check mark icon on red background

    If the capital projects levy is renewed, our schools will be able to maintain the technology system that supports student learning and effective school operations, and provide continued access to up-to-date curriculum. Levy funds will pay for:

    • Technical staff support
    • Device replacement (students and staff)
    • Technology to enhance safety and security
    • Digital and print curriculum
    • Technology infrastructure and network improvements
    • Classroom and building technology
    • Testing

If Question 1 Fails

  • x mark on red background

    If the capital projects levy renewal fails, the district will not be able to maintain its current technology program. Without dedicated technology funding:

    • Technology staff would be reduced, causing teachers to spend more time troubleshooting issues and less time teaching.
    • Student device replacement would be delayed or phased out at some grade levels.
    • Infrastructure would not keep up with changing technologies.
    • Fewer tools, resources and support would be available to protect against, detect and respond to cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats to student learning and district data.
    • The current schedule of refreshing/replacing curriculum to provide students up-to-date learning materials and tools would be delayed.
    • General operating funds that currently pay for smaller class sizes, student support, and other daily costs of running schools would be repurposed to preserve the essential elements of a minimal technology system.


  • Curious about the capital projects levy renewal and the facilities bond referendum? Check out these questions and answers, or reach out to Supt. Kevin Borg at or 952-491-8001.

    read the q&a

What else is on the ballot?

student working on art project
teacher with two students
students posing in classroom