Question 2: Facilities Bond Referendum

  • School buildings in our district are showing their age; the newest building (Mound Westonka High School) is more than 50 years old and the oldest (Shirley Hills Primary) is more than 70 years old. Improvements are needed at every building in order to maintain safe and secure schools with well-functioning core systems in facilities that are also structurally designed to best serve Westonka students and community members.

    District leaders have spent more than a year studying school facilities, talking with staff and families, and listening to what our community thinks. Through those conversations, three key themes emerged around facilities needs: districtwide safety and security, districtwide deferred maintenance, and a redesign of Mound Westonka High School.

If Question 2 Passes

  • check mark icon on red background

    • Districtwide, students, staff and visitors will benefit every day from safety and security improvements.
    • Buildings across the district will have well-functioning core mechanical systems.
    • The most significant maintenance needs will be addressed at all school buildings.
    • High school renovations will improve learning spaces, expand vocational options, increase building safety and functionality, and build community pride through:
      • Redesigned building entrances to improve security and functionality both during and after school
      • Enlarged classrooms that allow for more collaborative work and flexible learning spaces, plus more appropriate space for mental health services
      • More vocational opportunities for students to gain career-ready skills
      • More space in heavily used and currently overflowing areas (cafeteria, weight training, parking)
      • Activities spaces that are high quality, forward-looking, and able to accommodate growth while instilling student and community pride

If Question 2 Fails

  • x icon on red background

    • Safety and security improvements will not be implemented. Staff will continue to be challenged to address current safety and security needs in our schools.
    • Core mechanical systems will not be replaced, requiring costly repairs and risking total failure.
    • Significant school building maintenance and repairs will be delayed.
    • Mound Westonka High School will not be improved, and the opportunity to address facility needs in a comprehensive way will be forfeited for the foreseeable future. MWHS students will not benefit from expanded educational opportunities, enhanced safety, improved building functionality, or strengthened pride in their school.
    • High school activities areas (track, tennis courts, athletic fields) will not receive the maintenance and improvements needed to support growing interest and demand for use. Facilities will not be considered competitive with those in neighboring districts.


  • Curious about the capital projects levy renewal and the facilities bond referendum? Check out these questions and answers, or reach out to Supt. Kevin Borg at or 952-491-8001.

    read the q&a

What else is on the ballot?

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