Media Center FAQs

  • Books

    How long can I have a book? 

    Books are due four weeks after checkout.

    How do I know when my book is due? Check the date on the media center column at the time of book check out for the date it will be due. Check your account with the Destiny app or Destiny online.

    What if the item I am looking for is already checked out?
    You can place a hold on an item you wish to have in person at the circulation desk or through Destiny online.

    Can I renew my own materials without having to come into the library?
    Books can be renewed one time in person or online through Destiny.  Make sure to download the Destiny Quest app for iPhone or Android devices for quick access!

    What are the overdue fines for materials returned after the due date?
    We do not charge fines for overdue books. At the end of the year, books not returned (lost) must be paid for according to the replacement value. Lost book fees will stay on your account from year to year until paid.

    When will overdue notices be sent?
    Notices are emailed automatically weekdays on the following schedule:

    8th Grade Students: Thursdays 4:00pm
    8th Grade Parents: Thursdays 5:00pm
    9th Grade Students: Mondays 4:00pm
    9th Grade Parents: Mondays 5:00pm
    10th Grade Students: Tuesdays 4:00pm
    10th Grade Parents: Tuesdays 5:00pm
    11th Grade Students: Wednesdays 4:00pm
    11th Grade Parents: Wednesday 5:00pm
    12th Grade Students: Friday 4:00pm
    12th Grade Parents: Friday 4:00pm

    How can I make payments for my fees? Fees for lost books can be paid via cash or check (payable to ISD#277) in the main office or Media Center. Online payment is not available at this time.



    Universal Search I am trying to open an eBook in MackinVIA, but I get a pop-up for Universal Search and it asks for a Username and Password. What is it?
    Unfortunately, some of our eBooks still open up through our previous system so you must use the username and password you use for Destiny. This is the same as your Skyward login and password.





    I sustained damage to my Chromebook. Now what?
    Damaged Chromebooks should be brought to the Media Center circulation desk. We will issue you a loaner Chromebook while your damaged Chromebook is repaired. You will be notified via the office once your Chromebook is repaired. 

    I need another Chromebook charger. How do I get one?
    OEM Chromebook chargers can be purchased from the media center circulation desk for $30 cash or check (payable to ISD #277). 

    My Chromebook case is very dirty. Is there anything I can do?

    Ms. Trapp has had success using Spray 'n Wash on the case and then washing it in a front-loading washing machine (or top-loading without the agitator) and then reforming (if necessary) and air-drying the case. Good as new!

    Other Media Questions

    Can I photocopy at MWHS? Students can print items from any computer in the media center, but photocopying is not available for students.


    MWHS welcomes material donations from the community, but will follow the guidelines below:

    • Because of constraints on shelving space as well as the cost and time to evaluate and process gifts of print materials, MWHS is extremely selective about the accepted donations.
    • Gifts and donations to the school library are accepted with the understanding that the decision for use and disposition of the materials will be determined using the same selection criteria as purchased materials. All materials should support the curriculum and needs of library users. Gifts and donations, like purchased resources, will be removed from the collection at the end of their useful life.
    • MWHS Media Center reserves the right to decline material and to determine the cataloging, location and terms of use for the material accepted.  Once the material is donated to the MWHS Media Center, it is the property of the school and will be evaluated as time permits. MWHS Media Center declines offers of gifts if they unnecessarily duplicate existing holdings, if the subject matter is outside the scope of its collection, if the materials are in poor condition or if there are donor restrictions the Media Center cannot honor.