- Westonka Public Schools
- Intervention
What is intervention? Intervention includes the early identification and support of students with learning or behavior needs.
What types of interventions are available? Westonka Schools offers several different types of intervention and support which include the following:
A student might qualify for a 504 plan if they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity such as thinking, learning, or concentrating to name a few. The goal of a 504 plan is for students to be educated in regular classrooms along with services or accommodations they may need. Please see our Section 504 page for more information.
Special Education is defined as “Specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.” Special Education is a place to provide additional services, support, programs, specialized placements or environments to ensure that all students’ educational needs are met. Please see our Special Education page for more information.
The purpose of ADSIS (Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services) is to provide instruction and assistance to students who need extra educational support to succeed in the general education environment. The goal of the program is to reduce the number of inappropriate referrals to special education by identifying struggling students and providing early support.
Help Me Grow is an interagency initiative of Minnesota Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services. The program provides resources for families with children between birth and two years of age who may not be meeting developmental milestones. Referrals and services are a no cost to the families.
Title 1 is a federal program that provides funding to local school districts to improve the academic achievement of students that are struggling in reading and math. Students that meet certain criteria in reading and/or math are provided additional academic support during the school day to close the gaps on their learning. Funding is based on a school's poverty level and a school qualifies for Title I funding if their poverty rate is higher than the district average. Currently Title I services are offered at Shirley Hills Primary School and Grandview Middle School.