Special Education Advisory Council

  • Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) Meetings will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the following Tuesday evenings at the Educational Service Center:

    • September 17, 2024 (ESC and Virtual)
    • November 19, 2024 (ESC and Virtual)
    • January 21, 2025 (Virtual Only)
    • April 15, 2025 (ESC and Virtual)

    The Westonka SEAC meetings are open to the public and if there are specific comments/questions for the group, there will be time designated on the agenda where any citizen, district parent, or employee may briefly address the SEAC. SEAC will listen to the brief remarks, ask clarifying questions, and if desired, request that administration follow-up. SEAC will not take action at this meeting on requests presented at this time.

    Mission Statement:  Westonka SEAC empowers parents and guardians of children with disabilities, from birth through age 22, to actively participate and advocate for inclusive, high-quality special education programs within the Westonka Public School District.

    We achieve this by:

    • Advising the special education department on current issues, program development and parental concerns.
    • Educating parents and staff on special education rights, school and community resources, and best practices.
    • Promoting family engagement through communication, organizing and hosting events, and fostering connections with families with children with disabilities.
    • Advocating for inclusive learning environments.
    • Ensuring district-wide visibility for the needs and achievements of students with disabilities.
    • Lifting student voices related to special education and unified programming.

    About SEAC

    Actively seeking input from students and parents, SEAC is the Special Education Advisory Council comprised of designated, representative parents of students receiving special education services from each educational site in Westonka (Early Childhood, Shirley Hills Primary School, Hilltop Primary School, Grandview Middle School and Mound Westonka High School), as well as a member of the Westonka School Board. SEAC also includes a representative Special Education staff member from each educational site.

    We encourage parents of children with special needs to take advantage of the events and resources offered by Westonka SEAC:

    • Family Open Gym—all ages
    • Special Education Guest Speakers
    • PACER Information/Education Nights
    • Community Education—Volunteer Buddy Program
    • Early Childhood Special Education Information Folders
    • Outreach at District and Community Events

    For more information about SEAC or to volunteer for a SEAC event, please contact the Special Services office.

    Parent Member Information

    Members of the SEAC are appointed by the Special Services Director to serve as representatives for a 2-year term, with the opportunity to reapply for additional terms as described in the SEAC bylaws. The council consists of approximately 12 people, including parents, community representatives, and school staff. At least 50 percent of the members must be parents and parent advocates from diverse disability areas.

    The primary responsibilities of a parent member are:

    • Review and abide by SEAC bylaws, including confidentiality of person-specific information shared in meetings or in SEAC-related activities.
    • Attend scheduled meetings. To remain in current standing, members are required to attend at least 50 percent of the meetings scheduled in a year. In addition, members share equally in the responsibility to serve on related SEAC sub-committees or task forces as needed.
    • Prepare for meetings: Read SEAC agendas, minutes, reports, and related materials. Provide requested input prior to meetings. Come prepared to discuss agenda items using relevant examples or supporting information.
    • Participate in meetings: Provide requested feedback and contribute ideas for solutions. Identify barriers or challenges experienced by other families; represent family concerns; focus on student needs as a group, rather than on individual student concerns. Share personal experiences as they relate to decisions regarding policies and procedures; ask clarifying questions.
    • Encourage parent involvement and participation; participate in community awareness activities and information sharing with families in the district.
    • Work collaboratively with the school district's Special Services Director as well as other school personnel and SEAC parents and community members to fulfill Westonka SEAC's purpose and mission.

SEAC Meeting Minutes
