- Westonka Public Schools
- Section 504
About Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is an anti-discrimination statute that is designed to provide equal access to education programs, services and activities for students with a physical or mental health disability.
A student might qualify for a 504 plan if they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity such as thinking, learning or concentrating, to name a few. The goal of a 504 plan is for students to be educated in regular classrooms along with services or accommodations they may need. A student with a mental and/or physical impairment that is progressing in school without modifications and/or accommodations, or with modifications and/or accommodations available to every student, would be eligible for the non-discrimination protections under Section 504 but would not have a written 504 plan.
Each school has a coordinator for students who have 504 accommodations. Their contact information is listed below. You can also speak to your child's classroom teacher, school principal or guidance counselor if you have questions.