Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do I find my password for Family Access? If you forget your password sometime throughout the year, please contact Meg Quinn to retrieve your password information.

    Where does my child find their password? If you forget your password sometime throughout the year, please contact Anitra Trapp to retrieve your password information.

    Can I change my password? Because of the methods used for importing student and class information, you must continue to use the password assigned and cannot change your password.

    Where do I find the teacher's assignments? Teachers may post assignments and/or weekly homework information under the Assignments, Homework, or Calendar portion of his or her Schoology page for that class. 

    Where do I go to pay for Activities fees?  Click on Activities > Registration > Registration from the top navigation menu.  Follow the steps on this web page to register for activities and pay fees.

    Where do I go to pay for school lunches?  From the top navigation menu click on Parents > Pay School Fees. Click on the Food Service link.