- Westonka Public Schools
- Transportation
Back to School 2024
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Welcome Back from Westonka Bus Service
The drivers and staff at Westonka Bus Service are excited to get the 2024-25 school year underway!
Transportation Guidelines
Bus Safety
All students will receive bus safety training in the classrooms, and evacuation drills will be practiced on the bus. Students must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following concepts:
- Transportation by school bus is a privilege, not a right
- District policies for student conduct and school bus safety
- Appropriate conduct while on the school bus
- The danger zones surrounding a school bus
- Procedures for safely boarding and leaving a bus
- Procedures for safe vehicle lane crossing
- School bus evacuation and emergency procedures
Westonka Bus Service Philosophy
Each and every student is entitled to a safe and orderly ride to and from school every day. Minnesota state law states that transportation by school bus is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate or unsafe behavior could result in the loss of this privilege. Student transportation drivers are encouraged to work directly and closely with the transportation staff, principals, counselors, and teachers to reinforce positive student behavior, as well as to deal with and correct inappropriate behavior.
You can help your child have a great start to every school day by talking to him/her about appropriate behavior at the bus stop. It’s important for parents to know that school supervision of (and responsibility for) students begins when students board the school bus - not while they’re waiting at the bus stop. As always, parents and neighbors can play a role in promoting appropriate behavior when students are off school property and, therefore, not under school district supervision. If you are having trouble with any behavior issues at the bus stop, you are encouraged to accompany your child to the bus stop and/or notify the police. We also ask that you notify your son/daughter’s school so that administrators are aware of any behavior problems.
Discipline Plan
The following is a summary of the Westonka School District’s progressive and assertive discipline plan. After restating the bus rules carefully to students who have difficulties with proper riding procedures, the student transportation driver will attempt to correct the situation with the following measures:
- 1st offense - Principal confers with student and notifies parents with a copy of these regulations by mail. Detention will be issued for grades 8-12
- 2nd offense - Principal confers with student and contacts parent by telephone. Detention may be issued.
- 3rd offense - Student loses bus riding privileges for one week; parents are notified.
- 4th offense - Student loses bus riding privileges for two weeks; parents are notified.
- 5th offense - Student loses bus riding privileges for a period no longer than the remainder of the school year; parents are notified.
Based on the severity of the student’s conduct, more serious consequences may be imposed at any time.
Where do I Find my Child's Bus Route?
Transportation Registration
All Westonka Public Schools families were asked to share their transportation plans in Skyward Family Access by July 31. As part of the Back to School Registration, you can verify if you have completed the transportation registration. Please log in to Skyward Family Access and navigate to the '24-'25 Back to School Forms tab to see if you have completed the registration. If it is not complete, please fill it out and submit by the final deadline, August 29.
All primary school families should fill out the form and indicate after school plans, even if your student(s) will not be riding the bus this year. This information is necessary for the school. Note: If you do not fill out the transportation registration form, the district will assume that you do not need transportation for your student(s).
2024-25 Bus Routes Posted Online
All bus route information will be posted online on the transportation home page starting Wednesday, August 21. This is the most efficient way to provide parents and students with up-to-date information regarding stops.
Find Your Child's Bus Route
Starting August 21, please visit Skyward Family Access to confirm your student's busing information. Please email angela@fourpointo.com if the busing information needs to be changed or adjusted.
As always, school buses need to run on time. The bus routes will be posted on the Westonka website, and the times will remain the same for the first two weeks of school. These times may be adjusted after the first two weeks and will be updated on the website. Remember to please be ready and waiting for the bus 5 minutes prior to the actual pickup time.
Bus Stop Change Requests
Any requests for a bus stop change will be reviewed after the first two weeks of school. If you have a bus stop change request, please fill out the form online. You will be emailed a response.
Special Education Routes
If your child is provided special transportation, you will receive a phone call from the transportation department one to two weeks before school starts. Any requests made the week prior to school may have to wait up to five days to be added to a route. Please review the Special Transportation Services Guidelines posted on the transportation home page.