- Westonka Public Schools
- Kindergarten
- Kindergarten Enrollment Checklist & Forms
2025-26 Kindergarten Enrollment Checklist
Enroll Online by February 1, 2025
- You are invited to enroll online for the 2025-26 school year starting Monday, November 11, 2024. Please complete the online enrollment form by Feb. 1, 2025 so that we can plan our staffing needs.
- New Westonka Families: Please use the New Student Enrollment Portal (2025-26 school year enrollment opens Monday, November 11, 2024)
- Existing Westonka Families: If you have an existing Skyward Family Access account, you can enroll another child by logging in and clicking on the New Student Online Enrollment tab in the upper left hand corner of your Skyward Home Page.
- Prior to the online registration, please gather the following items:
- General Information (including name, address, phone number and email address)
- Medical Information (including physician’s name)
- Emergency Contact Information (including at least two contacts outside of the home)
- Childcare Information
- Early Childhood Screening Information
Documents Needed for Kindergarten Enrollment
Please complete the online registration to secure your child's spot in kindergarten. In order for your student to be considered fully enrolled, the following items must be on file by August 11, 2025. These documents can be emailed, faxed, mailed or dropped off at the school.
- Birth Certificate: A copy of your child’s birth certificate is requested to verify your child’s legal name. This can be uploaded during online registration.
- Pupil Immunization Record: A copy of your child’s immunization record, or a notarized exemption, must be returned to school by Monday, August 11, 2025, or at the latest by the first day of school. According to state law, students will not be allowed to start school without the required immunization or a notarized exemption. If your child has completed their 5-year-old shots, you can email, fax, mail or drop off the record after completing the online registration.
- Student Health Care Summary: This form is required to be completed and signed by a physician.
- Early Childhood Screening: Please make sure that your child has attended Early Childhood Screening. Please call (952) 491-8480 to schedule an appointment or go online to www.westonkace.org. If your child is screened in the Westonka School District, records will be sent directly to the school. If they were screened in another district, you can email, fax, mail or drop off the record after completing the online registration.
If You Live Outside Westonka School District Boundaries
- Open Enrollment Form: Non-residents must complete this form as part of online enrollment (in the Additional District Forms section). Primary school placements for non-resident students will be determined by lottery, with priority given to siblings of current students and children of staff. The deadline for initial placement process is Feb. 1, 2025. [Learn more about the Open Enrollment process]
In-District Transfers
- In-District Transfer Request: If you live in the Westonka School District but want your child to attend the primary school outside of your assigned attendance area, you must turn in an In-District Transfer Request with your registration form. The deadline for the initial placement process is Feb. 1, 2025. If there are more applicants than there are spaces available, a lottery will be held. [Learn more about in-district transfers]
- You are invited to enroll online for the 2025-26 school year starting Monday, November 11, 2024. Please complete the online enrollment form by Feb. 1, 2025 so that we can plan our staffing needs.
Westonka Educational Service Center
5901 Sunnyfield Road E
Minnetrista, MN 55364
p: (952) 491-8000
f: (952) 491-8012