- Westonka Public Schools
- Medications at School
Administration of Prescription Medication During the School Day
Medication will be administered during school hours when necessary. Medication includes both prescription and non-prescription (OTC over-the-counter) medication.
If your child requires prescription medication during the school day, please note that the medication can be administered only when a release form (signed by both the parent and the health care provider) is on file in the school office.
All prescription medications should come to school in the original container. Prescription medications are not to be carried during the day by the student; rather, they must be left in the health office. There are exceptions to this requirement, depending on the student's age and ability to safely self-administer the medication; those exceptions may include prescription asthma medication inhalers and epi-pens used for allergic reactions. In these cases, the self-medication portion of the form must be completed and kept on file in the health office. Prescription medications are not to be shared with other students. Consequences for sharing prescription medications can range from detention to suspension to expulsion, and law enforcement will be notified of any violation.
Administration of Non-Prescription Medication During the School Day
Students in Grades 10-12: Students may carry and self-administer small amounts (10 pills or less) of over-the-counter (non-prescription) medication (such as Tylenol or Advil) with a signed parent release. Please note that cold medication, such as Sudafed, is not to be carried by the student. Those medications must be kept in the health office. A student may carry cough drops. Non-prescription medications are not to be shared with other students. Consequences for sharing non-prescription medications can range from detention to suspension to expulsion.
Students in Kindergarten-Grade 9: All over-the-counter medications and the signed parent release must be retained in the health office. Exceptions may be allowed, depending on the individual situation and after a conference with parent and school nurse.