- Westonka Public Schools
- Bond Project Updates
2023 Bond Referendum
On November 7, 2023, Westonka Public Schools residents approved a $93.4 million building bond investment in school facilities. The bond funds will be used to:
- improve safety and security at all schools;
- address significant deferred maintenance needs of the district’s 50- to 70-year-old buildings; and
- redesign Mound Westonka High School to enhance the learning environment and improve functionality, safety and pride.
Please visit the 2023 Facilities Bond Referendum archive page to learn more about the communicated bond projects.
2024 Construction
Over the summer, construction began on several key projects across the district. Summer 2024 projects included security improvements at Hilltop and Shirley Hills primary schools and the Early Learning Center, as well as the start of construction of 12 new tennis courts (with six of these courts also lined for pickleball) across Sunnyfield Road E from the high school.
Safety and security is a top priority of the Westonka School Board and district, which is why security upgrades were prioritized in the construction timeline. Primary school security improvements that will be completed in fall 2024 include:
- Lockdown capacity - Buildings will have a centralized lockdown function that, at the push of a button, will immediately secure security doors and hallways and limit access by an intruder. Schools will also be able to isolate specific areas within the building, providing public access only where it’s needed.
- Intrusion Resistant Glass - Hardened glass in main entrance areas and other select areas will help prevent unauthorized access.
- Door alerts and notification lights - Alarms and strobes will activate when a locked door has been propped open or not fully closed. Alert lights will also be used in the event of a lockdown.
The relocation of the main office at Grandview Middle School to create a secured entrance and the related security improvements are being targeted for summer 2025 to allow sufficient time for design, bidding and securing of materials. High school security upgrades will be completed as part of the redesign in 2025 and 2026.
The district was able to start work on the new tennis courts in spring 2024, as the construction did not require the lead times of equipment, design, etc., seen in other projects. The current courts will remain operational until the new courts are finished, avoiding impacts to the boys and girls tennis seasons. When the current courts are no longer needed, they will be removed in order to expand the high school’s north parking lot. The courts will receive their final coating next spring when temperatures allow, and they will be in use for the spring 2025 tennis season.
Additionally, maintenance to the district bus garage (miscellaneous tuckpointing and electrical improvements) and parking lot fit into the summer 2024 schedule due to the limited scope of the project.
Bond Project Updates
November 18, 2024
Early Learning, Hilltop and Shirley Hills Technology and Security Updates
- New security systems are now operational at Hilltop, Shirley Hills and the ELC. We are in the final stages of door access programming.
- Staff received hands-on training on the new systems in October.
- Intrusion resistant glass has also been installed near entrances and in select areas.
High School Tennis Courts
- Construction of 12 new tennis courts (with six courts also lined for pickleball) is nearing completion. Concrete has been poured, asphalt is down and fencing should be installed by the end of November. [Tennis Court Site Plan (PDF)]
- Tennis court construction will wrap up in spring 2025. The final coating will be applied in the spring once the temperature reaches 50°. The current tennis courts will remain operational until the new courts are finished.
Bus Garage
Maintenance updates are nearly complete at the district bus garage, which included replacing electrical switchgear, replacing exterior and interior lighting with LEDs, tuckpointing on the exterior of the garage, and paving the south drive.
Middle School
- The relocation of the main office at the middle school to create a secured entrance and the related security upgrades are scheduled for summer 2025 to allow sufficient time for design, bidding and securing of materials.
- The middle school construction projects went out to bid Nov. 13, with the bid opening scheduled for early December.
- For a list of planned construction projects at the middle school, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/election2023/bond
High School
- The high school building construction projects (renovations, additions, security and maintenance) went out to bid in October with a successful bid opening on Nov. 12. The district is in a solid position to complete all of the communicated bond projects. The next step will be to bring the bids to the school board for approval.
- Construction on the northwest addition is scheduled to begin in April 2025.
- Design committee members toured local athletic stadiums on Nov. 13.
- For a list of planned construction projects at the high school, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/election2023/bond
- To view updated construction photos, visit Kraus Anderson’s project update page.
- For a construction timeline, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/bondprojects.
July 15, 2024 Update
June 2024 - The Westonka School Board approved a Chief Engineer Position for the district at the June 10 board meeting. This position will serve under James Collins, who began June 1 as the district’s new facilities director.
Early Learning, Hilltop and Shirley Hills Technology and Security Updates
- Summer 2024 work includes adding lockdown capacity, intrusion resistant glass, door alerts and notification lights.
- Work began mid-June at Shirley Hills Primary School and is scheduled to begin July 15 at Hilltop Primary School and the Early Learning Center.
- We are still awaiting confirmation on glass delivery for the security projects.
High School Tennis Courts
- Construction of 12 new tennis courts (with six courts also lined for pickleball) is scheduled to begin the week of July 22 and will continue throughout the fall. Tennis court construction will wrap up in spring 2025. [Tennis Court Site Plan (PDF)]
- The current tennis courts will remain operational until the new courts are finished.
Bus Garage
- Construction will begin the week of July 22 and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2024.
- Maintenance updates include replacing electrical switchgear, exterior and interior lighting with LEDs and tuckpointing on the exterior of the garage.
- The district will also be paving the drive south of the transportation building and reorganizing the transportation lot, as part of the current footprint will be taken by the tennis courts.
Grandview Middle School
- Design work continues for the middle school construction projects.
- The relocation of the main office at Grandview Middle School to create a secured entrance and the related security upgrades are scheduled for summer 2025 to allow sufficient time for design, bidding and securing of materials. Bidding for the middle school project is scheduled for fall 2024.
- For a list of planned construction projects at Grandview Middle School, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/election2023/bond
Mound Westonka High School
- Design work continues on the high school redesign.
- Design committee members are scheduled to tour local athletic stadiums on August 5.
- Bidding is scheduled for fall 2024 for the high school additions, renovations, security and maintenance, with construction expected to begin in May 2025.
- For a list of planned construction projects at Mound Westonka High School, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/election2023/bond
Other Updates
- We are preparing to unveil the new Westonka Public Schools brand the first week in August. We are excited by the ways the new brand will complement and enhance the facilities design and construction work.
May 7, 2024 Update
April 15, 2024 - The Westonka School Board approved bids for summer 2024 projects, which include: security improvements at Shirley Hills Primary School, Hilltop Primary School and the Westonka Early Learning Center; and high school tennis court construction.
Early Learning, Hilltop and Shirley Hills Technology and Security Updates
- Bids were accepted April 15 for the primary school security improvements
- Summer 2024 work includes adding lockdown capacity, intrusion resistant glass, door alerts and notification lights at Shirley Hills Primary School, Hilltop Primary School and the Westonka Early Learning Center. Construction is expected to start in June.
High School Tennis Courts
- Bids were accepted April 15 for the tennis court construction
- Site preparation for the new courts (across Sunnyfield Road E from Mound Westonka High School, south of the district bus garage) began over spring break.
- Construction of 12 new tennis courts (with six courts also lined for pickleball) will begin mid-June 2024 and will continue throughout the fall. Tennis court construction will wrap up in spring 2025. [Tennis Court Site Plan (PDF)]
- The current tennis courts will remain operational until the new courts are finished.
Bus Garage
- Bids were accepted April 15 for the bus garage maintenance
- Construction will begin in June and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2024.
- Maintenance updates include replacing electrical switchgear, exterior and interior lighting with LEDs and tuckpointing on the exterior of the garage.
- The district will also be paving the drive south of the transportation building and reorganizing the transportation lot, as part of the current footprint will be taken by the tennis courts.
Grandview Middle School
- The relocation of the main office at Grandview Middle School to create a secured entrance and the related security upgrades are scheduled for summer 2025 to allow sufficient time for design, bidding and securing of materials. Bidding for the middle school project is scheduled for fall 2024.
- For a list of planned construction projects at Grandview Middle School, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/election2023/bond
Mound Westonka High School
- The high school design group continues to meet regularly.
- Bidding is scheduled for fall 2024 for the high school additions, renovations, security and maintenance, with construction expected to begin in May 2025.
- For a list of planned construction projects at Mound Westonka High School, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/election2023/bond
March 7, 2024 Update
November 2023 - On November 7, 2023, Westonka School District residents approved $93.4 million in bond funding to improve safety and security at all schools; address significant deferred maintenance needs of the district’s 50- to 70-year-old buildings; and redesign Mound Westonka High School to enhance the learning environment and improve functionality, safety and pride. The Westonka School Board met to canvas the special election on November 13, 2023.
December 4, 2023 - The school board approved contracts for design and construction management of the communicated bond projects.
January 8, 2024 - The school board approved the sale of $43,100,000 in school building bonds (the first portion of the $93,400,000 of bonds approved by Westonka voters in November 2023) at an interest rate of 3.57%. The current plan anticipates a second bond sale in the winter of 2026.
Early Learning, Hilltop and Shirley Hills Technology and Security Updates
- Pre-Bid Conference: March 20, 2024
- Bidding Closes: March 28, 2024 at 2 p.m.
- Security improvements at Hilltop Primary School, Shirley Hills Primary School and the Westonka Early Learning Center will be installed this summer (2024). This work includes:
- Lockdown capacity - Buildings will add a centralized lockdown function that, at the push of a button, will immediately secure security doors and hallways and limit access by an intruder. Schools will also be able to isolate specific areas within the building, providing public access only where it’s needed.
- Intrusion Resistant Glass - Hardened glass will be installed in main entrance areas and other select areas to help prevent unauthorized access.
- Door alerts and notification lights - Alarms and strobes will activate when a locked door has been propped open or not fully closed. Alert lights will also be used in the event of a lockdown.
- Wold Architects and the administration have met with local law enforcement and school resources officers to gather ideas and input surrounding building security at these sites.
High School Tennis Courts
- Pre-Bid Conference: March 29, 2024
- Bidding Closes: April 2024
- Construction on the 12 new courts is expected to begin June 2024 and be completed in the spring of 2025. The current courts at Mound Westonka High School will remain in use until the new courts are fully operational.
- The courts will be located across the street from MWHS on Sunnyfield Road E south of the bus garage.
- The 12-court design was based on input from staff, community, and parent representatives with a background in tennis and pickleball. The design will include six courts specifically lined for tennis and six courts with both tennis and pickleball lines. In addition, there will be parking, spectator seating, lights for six courts, and storage sheds for tennis and pickleball.
Bus Garage
- Construction will begin in June 2024 and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2024.
- Maintenance updates include replacing exterior lighting with LEDs and tuckpointing on the exterior of the garage.
Grandview Middle School
- The relocation of the main office at Grandview Middle School to create a secured entrance and the related security upgrades are scheduled for summer 2025.
- The design team continues to meet to review security, main office, media center, and maintenance needs.
- For a list of planned construction projects at Grandview Middle School, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/election2023/bond
Mound Westonka High School
- In December 2023, the design team toured several area schools that have been recently remodeled or are new constructions.
- The district has met with several high schools to learn more about their vocational programs (nursing and machining) and tour their spaces. District leaders have also been in contact with Ridgeview Hospital, Lake Minnetonka Shores and Dunwoody College about potential partnerships.
- On Feb. 1, administration held a Machining and Manufacturing Community Round Table to gather community feedback on preparing Westonka students for the machining and manufacturing workforce. The feedback provided will be taken into consideration when forming the machining and manufacturing courses at MWHS.
- Construction on the high school additions, renovations, security and maintenance remains on track to begin May 2025. The design group will continue to meet regularly.
- For a list of planned construction projects at Mound Westonka High School, visit www.westonka.k12.mn.us/election2023/bond