- Early Learning
- Early Childhood Screening
Welcome to Early Childhood Screening
Early Childhood Screening is recommended for all children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old. Its purpose is to affirm a child's development and identify any early needs for educational assistance. It is also a state requirement for kindergarten enrollment. This free screening includes a review of all growth and development, immunizations, a hearing and a vision screening. Your child plays a series of games/activities with the screener, followed by a playtime with other staff, while the screener shares a summary of the screening results with you.
Register Online
To register your child for a screening appointment please use the link below.
- Sign up online at www.westonkace.org
- Type "Screening" in the browser bar of the web page
- Select the date
- Choose the time
- Complete additional questions
- Call the Screening Office at (952) 491-8480
- If you are on the district census list, the school district will call you to schedule an appointment.
Parents who have questions or concerns regarding your child's development, should call 952-933-GROW. Additional questions can be directed to the Early Childhood Coordinator, (952) 491-8580.
- Sign up online at www.westonkace.org