- Hilltop Primary School
- Kindergarten
- What will my child learn in kindergarten?
What will my child learn in kindergarten?
Reading Skills
- Identify & pronounce the sounds of all 26 letters
- Identify & pronounce basic blends (th, sh, ch, etc.)
- Identify & pronounce the beginning, middle & end sounds of words
- Read 37 high-frequency words
- Read Level C books
- Identify & produce rhyming words
- Accurately answer questions about fiction & nonfiction stories
- Discuss & express thoughts about a story read in class
Writing Skills
- Print all uppercase & lowercase letters
- Print first name & last name using uppercase & lowercase letters
- Write left to right & top to bottom
- Writes complete sentences
- Respond through writing to a prompt
- Use basic punctuation (i.e., uppercase/lowercase letters, periods, exclamation points, question marks)
- Properly space words when writing a sentence
Oral Communication Skills
- Listen & follow directions
- Follow three- & four-step directions
- Listen attentively without interruption
- Ask questions for information
- Make meaningful contributions to the group
- Express ideas clearly & freely
Math Skills
- Count forward to 100, backward from 20
- Use objects & numbers or draw pictures to find the sums & differences of numbers between 0-10
- Represent teen numbers as a 10 & extra ones
- Write, order & compare numerals 1-30
- Understand the difference between “equal” & “not equal”
- Write addition & subtraction equations to show partners of numbers up to 10
- Create & solve word problems using actions, objects, words, pictures or numbers
- Use words to compare objects according to length, size, weight & position
- Recognize & sort 2-D and 3-D geometric shapes (i.e., rectangle, triangle, square, circle, oval, parallelogram, trapezoid, hexagon, octagon, spheres, cylinders & cubes)
- Recognize, create & extend patterns
- Tell time to the hour & identify the parts of a clock
- Compare pennies, nickels & dimes
- Measure & compare length in inches and centimeters
- Read & use vertical & horizontal graphs & compare numbers
- Observe & describe common objects in the natural world
- Compare & contrast living & nonliving things
- Identify the living & nonliving components of different habitats
- Know simple ways that living things can be grouped
- Understand the difference between items that are natural & human-made
- Understand the steps in the engineering process
- Solve open-ended problems using lego machines
Social Studies
- Demonstrate civic skills in a classroom that reflect an understanding of civic values
- Give examples of rules in the school & community, provide reasons for the rules & know the characteristics of good rules
- Describe a map & a globe as a representation of a space
- Identify the difference between basic needs & wants
- Compare & contrast traditions in a family with those of other families, including those from diverse backgrounds
- Recognize the symbols, songs, locations that uniquely identify our nation
- Describe key national holidays & explain why people celebrate them
21st Century Skills
- Solve problems & come up with multiple solutions
- Collect, process & report on data
- Demonstrate a sense of curiosity for learning
- Show creativity through art projects, storytelling, artistic movement, music & dramatic play
- Work collaboratively with other students
- Practice safe & responsible use of technology
- Express self freely with own ideas, demonstrating originality, elaboration & creativity
- Develop basic principles in art
- Show art works & discuss differences & similarities
- Identify and/or demonstrate knowledge of the elements of music; including rhythm, pitch, form, tone color & expressive qualities
- Demonstrate the ability to read & notate music
- Express mood through movement
- Enjoy music and participate in musical activities
Physical Education
- Practice personal fitness skills & techniques
- Demonstrate basic body & spatial awareness
- Learn participation skills, demonstrate effort
Social Emotional Skills
- Share with others
- Take turns
- Follow rules & directions
- Put forth effort with completing classroom tasks
- Engage & focus on an activity for at least 30 minutes
- Express feelings comfortably with peers & adults
- Recognize & respect the feeling of others
- Manage conflict appropriately
- Assume responsibility for self & belongings
- Show self-confidence
- Adjust to change & routines